See the TerraEnVision 2022 Conference Program
Download the preliminary TerraEnVision 2022 Conference Book of Abstracts
Keynote presentation
TNV2022-Keynote-3226: Annette Schneegans, 2022. A Soil Deal for Europe: 100 living labs and lighthouses to lead the transition towards healthy soils by 2030TNV2022-Keynote-3227: Willem H. Ferwerda, 2022. How to make system change practical at landscape level? Experiences, lessons and needs
TNV2022-Keynote-3228: Esther Blom, 2022. Rewilding nature to combat societal challenges
TNV2022-Keynote-3230: Drs. H.Th.M. (Hein) Pieper, 2022. The climate challenge in water management
TNV2022-Keynote-3231: Lilian van den Aarsen, 2022. Keynote by Lilian van den Aarsen, title pending
TNV2022-Keynote-3233: Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann, 2022. Urban floods and private land-challenges of implementing nature-based solutions
TNV2022-Keynote-3234: Dr. Marco Roos, 2022. Wanted: biodiversity in the City; do we realize what it entails? - from decoration to ecology
AG: Transforming agriculture - Nature based Solutions between the poles of tradition and innovation to tackle land degradation
Oral presentation
TNV2022-AG-3124: Adriano Sofo et al., 2022. Agroecosystem diversification and sustainable management lead to increased biodiversity, crop production and socio-economic advantages: the case of Mediterranean olive orchardsTNV2022-AG-3130: Mia Tits et al., 2022. Breaking monoculture: crop rotation scenarios with maize
TNV2022-AG-3135: Thomas Iserloh et al., 2022. Crop diversification in low input viticulture on steep slopes
TNV2022-AG-3138: Jesús Barrena González et al., 2022. Soil nutrients washing in dehesa farms of Extremadura, SW Spain
TNV2022-AG-3147: Sofia Matsi et al., 2022. Establishment of thyme-based living mulch and its effects on carob drought stress under rainfed conditions
TNV2022-AG-3188: Jesús Rodrigo-Comino et al., 2022. Developing the first national database of soil erosion in vineyards to promote the protection of fertile soil
Poster presentation
TNV2022-AG-3146: Jannes Uhlott et al., 2022. How does different crop type classifications affect biodiversity indicators in arable regions in Germany: towards (geo)data fitness for use quality metricsTNV2022-AG-3205: Gabourel Landaverde, Anthony et al., 2022. Determination of dry matter production by spectroscopy techniques in rangelands of SW Spain
TNV2022-AG-3216: Jia Zhou, 2022. Mathematic programming and model simulation for cover crops in Northwest China by assessing ecological and economic values
EC: Erosion - Connectivity
Oral presentation
TNV2022-EC-3126: Ronald Pöppl, 2022. Assessing and managing soil erosion and lateral sediment connectivity in agricultural catchment systems: an Austrian exampleTNV2022-EC-3171: Artemi Cerdà et al., 2022. The role of plant species on runoff and soil erosion in a Mediterranean shrubland
TNV2022-EC-3185: Garrett Altmann, M.Sc., 2022. Developing Watershed Resilience with Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge (ITEK) and Nature-based Solutions (NBS)
TNV2022-EC-3204: Ine Rosier et al., 2022. Modelling the effects of vegetated landscape elements on the rainfall-runoff behaviour in a small agricultural watershed.
Poster presentation
TNV2022-EC-3134: Vukain Ron?evi? et al., 2022. Measuring the size of pendant water drop generated by hypodermic needles for construction of rainfall simulator for soil erosion researchTNV2022-EC-3152: Pavel Raska et al., 2022. Four perspectives on agri-forest configurations for natural flood management
TNV2022-EC-3194: Anna Brook, 2022. Inclusive Outscaling of Agro-ecosystem REstoration ACTions for the MEDiterranean - Pilot Area Bethlehem of Galilee, Israel
TNV2022-EC-3210: I.N. Daliakopoulos et al., 2022. Modeling Soil Texture Parameters for Irrigation Optimization: a case study from Crete (Greece)
TNV2022-EC-3214: Zeinab Hazbavi et al., 2022. How much have the nature-based solutions incorporated in the studies of Iranian paired watersheds?
TNV2022-EC-3215: Bijan Khalilimoghadam et al., 2022. The effect of different urban land use on the deposition of particle matter by plants in southwestern Iran
ME: Methodologies
Oral presentation
TNV2022-ME-3123: Adriano Sofo et al., 2022. Adoption of nature-based solutions and orchard sustainable management to face kiwifruit vine decline syndrome (KVDS)TNV2022-ME-3140: Dafni Petratou et al., 2022. How can different decision-making criteria shape mulching techniques in burnt areas?
TNV2022-ME-3141: Annelie Säurich et al., 2022. To seal or not to seal  what kind of soil is lost in Germany?
TNV2022-ME-3163: Liliana Gonçalves et al., 2022. Are nature-based solutions a sustainable and efficient treatment option for olive oil mill wastewater?
TNV2022-ME-3176: Marit Kragt, 2022. Using Black Soldier Fly technology to turn livestock waste into profitable products
TNV2022-ME-3178: Silvia Maria Alfieri et al., 2022. Remote sensing monitoring of beach cliff vegetation and shallow landslides in Catterline Beach, Scotland
TNV2022-ME-3184: Ilse Nijensteen et al., 2022. Monitoring gully erosion in a coastal slope with Nature-based Solutions using terrestrial laser scanning
TNV2022-ME-3206: Roeland Emaus, 2022. What triggers a socio-ecological transition? Lessons from the Early Middle Ages.
Poster presentation
TNV2022-ME-3133: Milica Ma?ki? et al., 2022. Impact of Plant Protection Products Application on Pesticide Residues in Golf Course SoilTNV2022-ME-3139: Feng Tianjiao et al., 2022. Long-term effects of afforestation on hydrological ecosystem services on the Loess Plateau
TNV2022-ME-3142: Saskia Keesstra et al., 2022. Nature-based solutions as building blocks for the transition towards climate resilient and circular food systems
TNV2022-ME-3198: Visser SM et al., 2022. European Joint Program Agricultural Soils under Climate Change
TNV2022-ME-3201: Tisja Daggers et al., 2022. Assessment of the performance of implemented NBS in the IJssel delta, The Netherlands  land cover and biodiversity
FI: Paradigm shifts in wildfire management
Oral presentation
TNV2022-FI-3136: Viktor Myroniuk et al., 2022. Mapping canopy base height using GEDI relative height metrics for wildfire simulation modelsTNV2022-FI-3156: Rosemarie Stangl, Michael Obriejetan, 2022. Nature-based Soil Bioengineering Solutions for Post-fire Response and First Erosion Control
TNV2022-FI-3162: Aleix-Amurrio R. et al., 2022. Greenhouse gas emissions risk management in forest fires (Interreg Sudoe REMAS)
TNV2022-FI-3168: Anna Brook et al., 2022. Total Carbon content assessed by UAS near-infrared imagery as a new fire severity metric
TNV2022-FI-3186: Artemi Cerdà et al., 2022. The use of weather types to foresee future runoff and soil loss activation in Mediterranean burned Shrublands
Poster presentation
TNV2022-FI-3212: D. X. Viegas et al., 2022. Adapting wildfire management to climate and global changes: A paradigm shift for the European UnionCO: Environmental Resilience and Nature Based Solutions: Communication, Science, Policies
Oral presentation
TNV2022-CO-3125: Andrea Aldas-Vargas et al., 2022. Describing the potential of nature based solutions for urban groundwater remediation in the Griftpark by the use of storytellingTNV2022-CO-3127: Enric Castelló, 2022. Is the resilience frame of wildfires gaining momentum in mainstream media? Exploring narratives in Spain
TNV2022-CO-3191: Tim van Hattum, 2022. Toward a nature-based future: A vison for a nature-based future for The Netherlands
TNV2022-CO-3195: Mirjam Hack-ten Broeke et al., 2022. Nature Based Solutions for climate adaptation in the Netherlands
UR: Nature based solutions for urban and industrial areas (land and water management and spatial planning)
Oral presentation
TNV2022-UR-3153: Rosemarie Stangl, Pia Minixhofer, Thomas Wultsch, Bernhard Scharf, 2022. Potentials of circular and engineered soils for advancing and re-establishing nature-based retentive functional surfacesTNV2022-UR-3157: Lenka Dubová et al., 2022. How to sustainably implement and operate community gardens: Understanding the motivation of community garden coordinators
TNV2022-UR-3161: Paola Sangalli et al., 2022. Soil and Water Bioengineering in urban fluvial rehabilitation and in flooding prevention: The Estepona RiVER
TNV2022-UR-3169: Anna Brook et al., 2022. Integrated modelling for urban runoff
TNV2022-UR-3179: Dr Didier Soto et al, 2022. Infrastructure vulnerability assessment and NbS recommendations
TNV2022-UR-3189: Suzanne Faber, 2022. Past, Present and Future Predictions  Understanding the behaviour of contamination at a complex former manufactured gas plant
TNV2022-UR-3199: drs. A.J.M. Schelwald-van der Kley, 2022. Land Stewardship at industrial sites; a chance to enhance societal ánd natural value
TNV2022-UR-3207: Sébastien Kaskassian, 2022. Phytoremediation: a nature-based remediation solution and a means for improving underground and above ground biodiversity
Poster presentation
TNV2022-UR-3103: Mark Bryan Alivio et al., 2022. Stormwater control benefits of urban tree canopy via rainfall interception and intensity reductionTNV2022-UR-3149: Martin Dolej et al., 2022. Floodplain land uptake: Cental-European perspective
TNV2022-UR-3173: Leon Claassen, 2022. LIFE CO2SAND Using clay to make farmland climate proof
TNV2022-UR-3192: Inês Amorim Leitão et al., 2022. Retention of microplastics by green urban spaces vegetation
TNV2022-UR-3193: Milica Kasanin-Grubin et al., 2022. Increase of sustainability of urban forests by prevention of land degradation
TNV2022-UR-3208: Anna Klamerus-Iwan et al., 2022. Evaluation of selected factors affecting the water capacity of small-leaved linden (T. cordata Mill.)
CC: Circular Economy and Carbon Farming
Oral presentation
TNV2022-CC-3131: Dico van Aalderen, 2022. Orchid CityTNV2022-CC-3148: Sven Verweij, Tessa van der Voort, Yuki Fuijta, Gerard Ros, 2022. Enabling carbon farming: presentation of a robust, affordable and scalable method
TNV2022-CC-3183: Ros GH, Verweij, SE Fuijta Y, Van der Voort TS, 2022. Leveraging legacy data to lower implementation thresholds for carbon farming
TNV2022-CC-3190: Cheng Liu et al., 2022. Climate Knowledge Agenda: Synergies and trade-offs of Wageningen Climate Solution
TNV2022-CC-3196: Leon Claassen et al., 2022. LIFE CO2SAND Using clay to make farmland climate proof
Poster presentation
TNV2022-CC-3144: Saskia Keesstra et al., 2022. What does the circular and climate neutral household of the future look like?Workshops
Keynote presentation
TNV2022-Workshops-3224: Corinne Koot et al., 2022. Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) by applying Nature-based designTNV2022-Workshops-3235: Linda Maring et al., 2022. Support to the EU Mission ÂA Soil Deal for EuropeÂ: How to engage actors, close R&I gaps and set up Living Labs and Lighthouses
TNV2022-Workshops-3236: Judith Klostermann et al., 2022. Challenges and opportunities for the upscaling of successful climate buffers
TNV2022-Workshops-3237: Annemarie Groot et al., 2022. Scaling Nature-based Solutions for climate resilient food systems: What works and what not?
TNV2022-Workshops-3238: the Nicole network et al., 2022. Interaction between society, problem owner and regulator on brownfield redevelopment