Keynote presentation
TNV2018-Keynote-312: Eric Brevik, 2018. Ecosystem Services: Connections to Soils and Human HealthTNV2018-Keynote-313: Pete Smith, 2018. Greenhouse gas removal through carbon sequestration in vegetation and soils
TNV2018-Keynote-315: Deborah A. Martin, 2018. Wildfire in a Changing World: Climate, Human Activities and Adaptation
TNV2018-Keynote-316: Stefan H. Doerr et al., 2018. When the smoke clears the waters muddy  vegetation fire impacts on water resources and how science can help.
TNV2018-Keynote-317: Marc Castellnou, 2018. Firefighting in action: How we can transform uncertainty into creativity!!!
TNV2018-Keynote-318: Panos Panagos et al., 2018. Soil erosion modelling: from European to Global scale
TNV2018-Keynote-319: Saskia Visser et al., 2018. The Soil; the engine behind the realisation of the SDGs
TNV2018-Keynote-320: Zahra Kalantari, 2018. Wetlands as large-scale nature-based solutions: Protecting Kristianstad city from flooding and reduce nutrients before rivers reach the Baltic Sea
TNV2018-Keynote-321: Carla S. S. Ferreira, 2018. Re-Naturing urban and peri-urban areas: strategies to enhance human resilience and mitigate climate change impacts
TNV2018-Keynote-322: Ruiter, Peter de, 2018. How Soil Biodiversity Govern Ecosystem Services
TNV2018-Keynote-323: Sergi Sabater, 2018. Effects of human-driven water stress on river ecosystems: from small to larger scales
TNV2018-Keynote-324: Simone Quatrini, 2018. Unlocking sustainable finance through public-private partnerships for nature based solutions and ecosystem services
TNV2018-Keynote-325: Lucrezia Caon (NRL), 2018. The Global Soil Partnership
TNV2018-Keynote-326: Antoni Ginebreda et al., 2018. Chemical Pollution in Mediterranean Iberian River Basins: Ecotoxicological risk assessment and effects on the aquatic ecosystems
TNV2018-Keynote-328: Gary Sheridan et al., 2018. When wildfires and watersheds collide
CC1/2: Greenhouse gas removal through carbon sequestration in vegetation and soils / Organic matter the key to climate change mitigation?
Oral presentation
TNV2018-CC1/2-327: Heike Knicker, 2018. Organic matter, key to climate change mitigation?TNV2018-CC1/2-329: Katherine Franco et al., 2018. LIFE COOP2020: Pilot for rural smart grids through optimisation of energy use and innovative renewable biomass sources
TNV2018-CC1/2-330: Milica Kaanin-Grubin et al., 2018. Image Analyses as A Tool for Measuring Weathering Rates
TNV2018-CC1/2-331: Evan A.N. Marks et al., 2018. Does the application of microalgal slurries increase soil carbon?
TNV2018-CC1/2-332: Cornelia Rumpel et al., 2018. The 4 per mille initiative is promoting the implementation of sustainable development goals through science-policy-practice interactions
TNV2018-CC1/2-353: Eduardo Moreno-Jiménez et al., 2018. Aridity decreases soil micronutrient availability in global drylands
Poster presentation
TNV2018-CC1/2-333: Miguel Ibañez et al., 2018. Ungulates Effects on Soil Organic Carbon Accumulation and Bulk DensityTNV2018-CC1/2-334: Carla Juvinyà et al., 2018. Carbon sequestration on abandoned crops in Mediterranean humid areas
WR1: Analysis and Fate of Emerging Contaminants in Water Soil and Plants
Oral presentation
TNV2018-WR1-411: Francesco Bregoli et al., 2018. Consumption reduction over sanitation upgrades to mitigate pharmaceuticals impact on global freshwatersTNV2018-WR1-412: M.J. Carpio et al., 2018. Degradation of two herbicides on a sandy loam soil: Effect of the temperature and the organic amendments
TNV2018-WR1-413: Mohamed MALDANI et al., 2018. Isolation of rhizobacteria from agricultural soils contaminated with pesticides in the Meknes Region, Morocco
TNV2018-WR1-414: Yolanda Picó et al., 2018. Accumulation and metabolism of ibuprofen by the annual herbaceous legume Vigna unguiculata
Poster presentation
TNV2018-WR1-390: Rodrigo Alvarez Ruiz et al., 2018. Emerging pollutants in sewage sludgeTNV2018-WR1-391: Victor Barba et al., 2018. Laboratory study of the dissipation mechanism and kinetics of prosulfocarb in unamended and organically amended soils
WR2: Data-mining and methods for modeling and assessing state and fate of soil water
Oral presentation
TNV2018-WR2-425: Aristides Moustakas et al., 2018. Trees shifting from competition to facilitation due to apparent climatic changeTNV2018-WR2-426: Ioannis N. Daliakopoulos, 2018. Soil Moisture Variability as a Driver of Vegetation Dynamics in the Mediterranean Rangelands
TNV2018-WR2-428: Carlos Sánchez-García et al., 2018. Discharge estimations of historical floods in the Almanzora basin, southeastern Iberian Peninsula
Poster presentation
TNV2018-WR2-239: Aristides Moustakas et al., 2018. Trees shifting from competition to facilitation due to apparent climatic changeTNV2018-WR2-269: Ioanna Petousi et al., 2018. DRIP: Development of an Advanced Precision Drip Irrigation System for Tree Crops
TNV2018-WR2-308: Manolis G. Grillakis et al., 2018. Unraveling the net effect of human induced climate change to the evolution of soil water resources
TNV2018-WR2-310: Dimitrios D. Alexakis et al., 2018. Estimating Soil Moisture Content with Means of Earth Observation and Artificial Neural Networks
LD2: Land Degradation and Remediation: The State of the Art
Oral presentation
TNV2018-LD2-339: Jesús Rodrigo-Comino et al., 2018. Updating field techniques to assess soil erosion in vineyards: ISUM (Improved Stock Unearthing Method)TNV2018-LD2-340: Miguel Berdugo et al., 2018. The interplay between facilitation and habitat type drive spatial vegetation patterns in global drylands
TNV2018-LD2-341: Feng Tianjiao et al., 2018. Respective and Shared Contributions of Land Preparation and Vegetation to Soil Ecosystem Services in Longtan Catchment, China
TNV2018-LD2-342: Massimiliano Bordoni et al., 2018. Effects of different soil managements in vineyards to slope stability
TNV2018-LD2-343: David Zumr et al., 2018. Measuring the kinetic energy of rainfall and the soil particles splash
TNV2018-LD2-344: Rares HALBAC-COTOARA-ZAMFIR, 2018. Grey and green infrastructure used for flood retention in western Romania
TNV2018-LD2-349: Encarnación V. Taguas et al., 2018. Effects of different amounts of olive pruning residues on soil quality indicators in superintensive olive orchards
TNV2018-LD2-350: Selamawit Amare et al., 2018. Causes, controlling factors and rehabilitation challenges of valley bottom gullies: A review
TNV2018-LD2-351: Novara A et al., 2018. Is Cover Crops Contribution to Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Per Se Overestimated?
TNV2018-LD2-352: Omar Daraghmeh et al., 2018. Impact of tillage intensity on clay loam soil structure
Poster presentation
TNV2018-LD2-443: Eliana Cárdenas et al., 2018. Use of Phytoremediation and Biochar to Remediate the Rio Tinto Area (Spain)TNV2018-LD2-444: Valeriia Nazarova et al., 2018. Patch Diversity and Spatial Pattern Modulate Sediment Yield in Restored Drylands
TNV2018-LD2-447: Helba Araújo de Queiroz Palácio et al., 2018. Effects of Previous Soil Humidity on Sediment Production in a Semi-Arid Catchment - Brazil
TNV2018-LD2-448: Mario Kirchhoff et al., 2018. Wadi Dynamics in the Souss Region, South Morocco
TNV2018-LD2-449: V. Marín-Moreno et al., 2018. Terraces and Rainwater Harvesting Design Criteria: a Review Focused on Application to Sloping Orchards
TNV2018-LD2-451: Petr Kavka et al., 2018. Experimental Evaluation of the Effect of the Protective Technical Measures Against Rill Erosion
TNV2018-LD2-452: Martin Neumann et al., 2018. Measuring Splash Erosion Initiated by Simulated Rainfall
TNV2018-LD2-453: Cerdà, A. et al., 2018. Straw Hidric Properties and Use as Mulch to Control Soil and Water Losses. A Large Rainfall Simulation Approach
TNV2018-LD2-454: Javier León et al., 2018. Testing Different Infiltration Devices in Vineyards
TNV2018-LD2-455: Javier León et al., 2018. Testing Infiltration Measurements Under Different Devices
TNV2018-LD2-456: Jadson Belém de Moura et al., 2018. Microbial biomass carbon of soils in sugarcane cultivation systems
LD3: Modelling erosion by water
Oral presentation
TNV2018-LD3-367: Dostál T. et al., 2018. Revision of currently used of values of Cover and Management factor C (USLE) using experimental methodsTNV2018-LD3-369: Richard Cruse et al., 2018. The Daily Erosion Project: Potential application in Europe
TNV2018-LD3-370: Brian J. Irvine et al., 2018. The Pan-European Soil Erosion Risk Assessment, the PESERA model.
Poster presentation
TNV2018-LD3-459: Manuel López-Vicente et al., 2018. Soil and Water Conservation in a Rainfed Vineyard: Effectiveness Of Common Sainfoin Cover CropLD5: Restoration and rehabilitation of degraded lands in arid and semi-arid ecosystems
Oral presentation
TNV2018-LD5-406: Irena D. Atanassova et al., 2018. Water repellency and heavy metal mobility and speciation in coal ash reclaimed hydrophobic technogenic soils (Technosols)TNV2018-LD5-407: Stefan Leu et al., 2018. Local and global implications of ecosystem restoration in degraded arid farmland
TNV2018-LD5-409: William H. Blake et al., 2018. Strengthening community resilience to soil erosion challenges in northern Tanzania: an interdisciplinary approach
TNV2018-LD5-410: Alice Nunes et al., 2018. Evaluating past reforestations success in semi-arid Mediterranean areas now and under a climate change scenario
Poster presentation
TNV2018-LD5-470: Sonia Vega et al., 2018. Restoring dryland vegetation patches: the role of diversity and patch sizeTNV2018-LD5-471: Eunice Maia de Andrade et al., 2018. Using the litter in the revival of a degradated soil in seasonally tropical dry forest (SDTF)
TNV2018-LD5-472: Miquel Capó et al., 2018. Goats eradication as a previous tool needed for biodiversity restoration of Mediterranean islets.
NBS1: Nature-based solutions for environmental social and economic challenges
Oral presentation
TNV2018-NBS1-371: Cerdà, A. et al., 2018. Nature-based solutions to control soil erosion need farmerÂs incentives and education to be appliedTNV2018-NBS1-372: Brian Irvine et al., 2018. Modelling and upscaling sustainable land management and water harvesting practices in arid and semi-arid environments
TNV2018-NBS1-373: Mayra E. Gavito et al., 2018. Plant cover management can fully protect soil from erosion in avocado orchards
TNV2018-NBS1-374: Guillermo Tardío et al., 2018. ECOMED Project, Ecoengineering and Soil and water Bioengineering in the Mediterranean area
TNV2018-NBS1-375: Sandra Boekhold et al., 2018. City deal on valuing green and water in cities: integration of the multiple benefits of nature-based solutions in urban planning
Poster presentation
TNV2018-NBS1-465: Rosemarie Stangl et al., 2018. Challenges and Advances in Urban Green Infrastructure and Nature Based Solutions: potentials of soil bioengineering techniquesTNV2018-NBS1-466: Manuel Seeger et al., 2018. Soil management under grapevines for reducing plague impact and soil erosion while enhancing sustainability
TNV2018-NBS1-467: Saskia Keesstra et al., 2018. The superior effect of nature based solutions in land management for enhancing ecosystem services
TNV2018-NBS1-468: Evan A.N. Marks et al., 2018. Poll-Ole-GI SUDOE project: the creation of floral islands to promote pollination in sunflower fields
TNV2018-NBS1-469: Alaitz Aldaz et al., 2018. Evaluation of subsurface drip irrigation mats manufactured with recyclable cellulose from meat industry
NBS2: Connectivity in hydrology and sediment dynamics: concepts measuring modelling indices and societal implications
Oral presentation
TNV2018-NBS2-380: Nadia Ursino, 2018. The interrelation between ecological and eco-hydrological connectivity indexes demonstrates the relevance of different processes and feedbacks across scales and disciplines.TNV2018-NBS2-381: Stefano Crema et al., 2018. SedInConnect: a free tool for a usable sediment connectivity index
TNV2018-NBS2-382: Massimiliano Bordoni et al., 2018. Integrating sediment connectivity into the assessment of landslides susceptibility for road network
TNV2018-NBS2-383: Francisco Rodríguez et al., 2018. A null model for assessing the independent effects of plant cover and bare-soil connectivity on dryland functioning
TNV2018-NBS2-384: Carla S. S. Ferreira et al., 2018. Reducing peri-urban flood hazard using a holistic catchment approach to reduce hydrological connectivity
TNV2018-NBS2-385: Roel Dijksma et al., 2018. Woody debris jams to prevent stream bed erosion in a semi-natural brook system
Poster presentation
TNV2018-NBS2-457: Saskia Keesstra et al., 2018. A framework for using connectivity to measure and model water and sediment fluxesTNV2018-NBS2-474: Eunice Maia de Andrade et al., 2018. Dynamics of nutrients input output in a reservoir of the tropical semi-arid
TNV2018-NBS2-475: Merchán, D. et al., 2018. Suspended sediment and dissolved solids concentrations and loads in small agricultural watersheds in Navarre (Spain)
TNV2018-NBS2-476: Luciano Gristina et al., 2018. Contribution of Soil Tillage Translocation to Soil Erosion in Vineyard
TNV2018-NBS2-477: Ana-Patricia FERNÁNDEZ-GETINO et al., 2018. Catchment model approach for the assessment of the fate of pesticides in sediments and surface waters fluxes
NBS3: Drones Internet of Things and Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring
Oral presentation
TNV2018-NBS3-415: Jordi Salvador Bernadí et al., 2018. Multispectral UAV Imagery Automatic RegistrationTNV2018-NBS3-416: Anna Brook et al., 2018. Irrigation optimization under limited water supply by integration modern approaches in traditional water management on the cotton fields
TNV2018-NBS3-417: PADRÓ, Joan-Cristian et al., 2018. Evaluation of Mine Restorations Using UAV Imagery
TNV2018-NBS3-418: M. Quemada et al., 2018. Coupling residue and water spectral indices to improve crop residue cover estimation from satellite images
TNV2018-NBS3-419: Hastings Astley et al., 2018. Future Biomass Supply for Low Carbon European Energy Provision in a Changing World
TNV2018-NBS3-420: Katherine Franco et al., 2018. LIFE LASER FENCE: Laser systems for the prevention of food chain poisoning and minimization of chemical exposure to the environment
TNV2018-NBS3-421: Josef Krasa et al., 2018. Monitoring soil surface by close-range photogrammetry in multiple scales
Poster presentation
TNV2018-NBS3-392: Paolo Paron et al., 2018. Can drone footage be of help in hydrological analyses? A case from the Mara River Wetland in Tanzania.TNV2018-NBS3-393: Keesstra, S.D. et al., 2018. The UARSF of Wageningen UR: applications and projects
TNV2018-NBS3-394: Manuel López-Vicente et al., 2018. Influence of DEM source LiDAR and photogrammetry and resolution on computing topographic parameters in contrasted croplands
TNV2018-NBS3-395: Antonio Minervino Amodio et al., 2018. A method for monitoring and measuring soil loss with a UAV (Unmanned aerial vehicle)
SP2: Sustainable Development Goals and Soil policy and practical implementation
Oral presentation
TNV2018-SP2-422: David A. Robinson et al., 2018. Natural Capital Accounting of Soils for the U.N. System of Environmental Economic AccountsTNV2018-SP2-423: Ettore CAPRI et al., 2018. Can a glass of wine transpose in practice SDGs ?
TNV2018-SP2-424: Jan de Leeuw et al., 2018. Soil Information in the Indicator Framework for Sustainable Development Goal 15.3.1
Poster presentation
TNV2018-SP2-389: Keesstra, S.D. et al., 2018. Land Degradation Neutrality and Restoration, how can we achieve that?SP3: Stakeholder demands and perspectives in sustainable development
Oral presentation
TNV2018-SP3-430: Hilde F. Passier, 2018. Knowledge Impulse for Dutch Delta Approach for Water Quality and Fresh WaterTNV2018-SP3-431: Maria Inês Adagói et al., 2018. Informal urban agriculture as a permanent and transitory land use for a landscape planning strategy
Poster presentation
TNV2018-SP3-387: Luciano Gristina et al., 2018. No till durum wheat yield success probability in Mediterranean climate: a methodological frameworkECO1: Mapping for soil sustainable management
Oral presentation
TNV2018-ECO1-386: Paulo Pereira et al., 2018. Lithuanian National Ecosystem Services Assessment and Mapping (LINESAM)TNV2018-ECO1-396: Mercedes Roman Dobarco et al., 2018. Digital soil mapping and uncertainty propagation of available water capacity for metropolitan France
TNV2018-ECO1-398: Maxim Shoshany, 2018. Hyper-spectral mapping of soil and vegetation conditions along semi-arid to arid climatic gradient
TNV2018-ECO1-399: Anna Brook et al., 2018. Remote Sensing Techniques to Assess Post-Fire Effects at the Hillslope and Sub-Basin Scales via Multi-Scale Model
Poster presentation
TNV2018-ECO1-460: Paloma Hueso-González et al., 2018. Mapping Green and Blue Infrastructures Using Digital Globe Images in Vilnius CityTNV2018-ECO1-461: Igor Bogunovic et al., 2018. Sampling Density and Soil Phosphorus Mapping on Various Field Scales. What This Means for Farmers?
TNV2018-ECO1-462: Jesús Rodrigo-Comino, J. et al., 2018. A Review of Soil Geography Origins
TNV2018-ECO1-463: Jesús Rodrigo-Comino, 2018. Soil erosion in vineyards over the world. A review
ECO2: Grazing as a management tool to build cultural landscapes
Oral presentation
TNV2018-ECO2-401: Fernando T. Maestre, 2018. Evaluating the impacts of grazing and climate change on the structure and functioning of global drylands: the BIODESERT global surveyTNV2018-ECO2-402: Oriol Domenech et al., 2018. Feral goat in Balearic Islands: an ecological or social problem?
TNV2018-ECO2-404: Manuel Pulido et al., 2018. Grazing Systems in The World: Differences and Similarities
Poster presentation
TNV2018-ECO2-437: Cristina Halbac-Cotoara-Zamfir, 2018. Formal vs. non-formal environmental education for climate change adaptationTNV2018-ECO2-438: Gabriel Gascó et al., 2018. The use of design thinking based on climate change and carbon sequestration
TNV2018-ECO2-439: Javier Pareja et al., 2018. Firebreaks as a natural attraction for feral goats in fire prevention
TNV2018-ECO2-440: Jesús Barrena-González et al., 2018. Delineation of land units in livestock farms of SW Spain designed for management purposes
ECO3: A biophysical and socio-economic approach to the fate of the Terroir
Oral presentation
TNV2018-ECO3-376: Jesús Rodrigo-Comino et al., 2018. Ranking under-stock-weeding-machines for sloping vineyards by a bundle of measurement methodsTNV2018-ECO3-378: Sebastia Capó-Bauçà et al., 2018. Non-tillage improves the quality of the soil in a vineyard under Mediterranean conditions.
Poster presentation
TNV2018-ECO3-478: Eric C. Brevik et al., 2018. Terroir and Human Health: Connecting People to SoilTNV2018-ECO3-479: Igor Bogunovic et al., 2018. Tractor Impacts on Soil Compaction in a Vineyard Located in Croatia
FIRE1: Fire effects on fluxes in the landscape
Oral presentation
TNV2018-FIRE1-345: Cristina Santín et al., 2018. Wildfires in Spain in 2017 The rural population, victims and perpetratorsTNV2018-FIRE1-346: Deborah A. Martin, 2018. Lessons learned: Perspectives on recent fire activity in the western North America through the lens of multi-decadal fire science research
TNV2018-FIRE1-347: António Bento-Gonçalves, 2018. Forest fires in Portugal in 2017 - Chronicle of an announced tragedy
Poster presentation
TNV2018-FIRE1-432: José Rafael Pérez Borredá, A. et al., 2018. The erosional and hydrological impact of traditional slash and burn Âhormiguero in the Macizo del Caroig, Eastern SpainTNV2018-FIRE1-433: Simone Di Prima et al., 2018. Comparing transient and steady-state analysis of single-ring infiltrometer data for an abandoned field affected by fire in Eastern Spain
FIRE2: Wildfires in urban areas
Oral presentation
TNV2018-FIRE2-363: Lara Vilar et al., 2018. Land Use-Land Cover interfaces to model wildfire occurrence in Europe. Global and regional data sources for modellingTNV2018-FIRE2-365: Ricardo MF da Costa et al., 2018. Valorization of Vegetable Biomass Could it Be a Tool for Prevention of Severe Wildfires?
TNV2018-FIRE2-366: J. Campo et al., 2018. Nutrient Fluxes at Hill-Slope Scale in a Burned Mediterranean Area.
FIRE3: Effects of pre- and post-fire management on vegetation recovery
Poster presentation
TNV2018-FIRE3-434: Khorchani, M. et al., 2018. Shrub clearings and extensive livestock: an action of the administration to control the fires in the Mediterranean mountainCC3: Impacts of climate change on soils in drylands: recent advances and challenges ahead
Oral presentation
TNV2018-CC3-358: Cesar Plaza et al., 2018. Physical and chemical properties of soils and carbon pools in global drylandsTNV2018-CC3-359: Fernando T. Maestre, 2018. Biotic controls of soil functioning in global drylands under climate change
TNV2018-CC3-361: José Luis Moreno et al., 2018. Land use legacy shapes the responses of soil microbial community against drought in a Mediterranean agroecosystem
TNV2018-CC3-362: Alice Nunes et al., 2018. Predicting climate change effects on Mediterranean drylands through plant functional traits
Poster presentation
TNV2018-CC3-435: Iria Benavente et al., 2018. Influence of urban waste biochar on Typic Xerofluvent biochemical propertiesTNV2018-CC3-436: CARABASSA, Vicenç et al., 2018. Life the Green Link: Restoring Degraded Areas with the Cocoon Ecotechnology
TNV2018-CC3-442: Felipe Bastida et al., 2018. Is the Microbial Community of Restored Semiarid Soils Able to Confront Drought?
SP4: Education in Environmental Science
Poster presentation
TNV2018-SP4-355: Roel Dijksma et al., 2018. Education in Environmental sciencesTNV2018-SP4-356: Eric C. Brevik, 2018. Degrees Received by Undergraduate Soil Science Students in the United States
TNV2018-SP4-357: Eric C. Brevik, 2018. Online Homework and Student Grades: Impact in an Introduction to Physical Geology Class