2018 Abstracts


Keynote presentation

TNV2018-Keynote-312: Eric Brevik, 2018. Ecosystem Services: Connections to Soils and Human Health

TNV2018-Keynote-313: Pete Smith, 2018. Greenhouse gas removal through carbon sequestration in vegetation and soils

TNV2018-Keynote-314: Damia Barcelo Culleres, 2018. The EU Globaqua Project on Multiple Stressors in Rivers under Water Scarcity and Global Change.  A Reconnaissance Study in Selected European River Basins and the  Water-Energy-Food Nexus

TNV2018-Keynote-315: Deborah A. Martin, 2018. Wildfire in a Changing World: Climate, Human Activities and Adaptation

TNV2018-Keynote-316: Stefan H. Doerr et al., 2018. When the smoke clears the waters muddy – vegetation fire impacts on water resources and how science can help.

TNV2018-Keynote-317: Marc Castellnou, 2018. Firefighting in action: How we can transform uncertainty into creativity!!!

TNV2018-Keynote-318: Panos Panagos et al., 2018. Soil erosion modelling: from European to Global scale

TNV2018-Keynote-319: Saskia Visser et al., 2018. The Soil; the engine behind the realisation of the SDGs

TNV2018-Keynote-320: Zahra Kalantari, 2018. Wetlands as large-scale nature-based solutions: Protecting Kristianstad city from flooding and reduce nutrients before rivers reach the Baltic Sea

TNV2018-Keynote-321: Carla S. S. Ferreira, 2018. Re-Naturing urban and peri-urban areas: strategies to enhance human resilience and mitigate climate change impacts

TNV2018-Keynote-322: Ruiter, Peter de, 2018. How Soil Biodiversity Govern Ecosystem Services

TNV2018-Keynote-323: Sergi Sabater, 2018. Effects of human-driven water stress on river ecosystems: from small to larger scales

TNV2018-Keynote-324: Simone Quatrini, 2018. Unlocking sustainable finance through public-private partnerships for nature based solutions and ecosystem services

TNV2018-Keynote-325: Lucrezia Caon (NRL), 2018. The Global Soil Partnership

TNV2018-Keynote-326: Antoni Ginebreda et al., 2018. Chemical Pollution in Mediterranean  Iberian River Basins: Ecotoxicological risk assessment and effects on the aquatic ecosystems

TNV2018-Keynote-328: Gary Sheridan et al., 2018. When wildfires and watersheds collide

CC1/2: Greenhouse gas removal through carbon sequestration in vegetation and soils / Organic matter the key to climate change mitigation?

Oral presentation

TNV2018-CC1/2-327: Heike Knicker, 2018. Organic matter, key to climate change mitigation?

TNV2018-CC1/2-329: Katherine Franco et al., 2018. LIFE COOP2020: Pilot for rural smart grids through optimisation of energy use and innovative renewable biomass sources

TNV2018-CC1/2-330: Milica Kašanin-Grubin et al., 2018. Image Analyses as A Tool for Measuring Weathering Rates

TNV2018-CC1/2-331: Evan A.N. Marks et al., 2018. Does the application of microalgal slurries increase soil carbon?

TNV2018-CC1/2-332: Cornelia Rumpel et al., 2018. The 4 per mille initiative is promoting the implementation of sustainable development goals through science-policy-practice interactions

TNV2018-CC1/2-353: Eduardo Moreno-Jiménez et al., 2018. Aridity decreases soil micronutrient availability in global drylands

Poster presentation

TNV2018-CC1/2-333: Miguel Ibañez et al., 2018. Ungulates Effects on Soil Organic Carbon Accumulation and Bulk Density

TNV2018-CC1/2-334: Carla Juvinyà et al., 2018. Carbon sequestration on abandoned crops in Mediterranean humid areas

WR1: Analysis and Fate of Emerging Contaminants in Water Soil and Plants

Oral presentation

TNV2018-WR1-411: Francesco Bregoli et al., 2018. Consumption reduction over sanitation upgrades to mitigate pharmaceuticals impact on global freshwaters

TNV2018-WR1-412: M.J. Carpio et al., 2018. Degradation of two herbicides on a sandy loam soil: Effect of the temperature and the organic amendments

TNV2018-WR1-413: Mohamed MALDANI et al., 2018. Isolation of rhizobacteria from agricultural soils contaminated with pesticides in the Meknes Region, Morocco

TNV2018-WR1-414: Yolanda Picó et al., 2018. Accumulation and metabolism of ibuprofen by the annual herbaceous legume Vigna unguiculata

Poster presentation

TNV2018-WR1-390: Rodrigo Alvarez Ruiz et al., 2018. Emerging pollutants in sewage sludge

TNV2018-WR1-391: Victor Barba et al., 2018. Laboratory study of the dissipation mechanism and kinetics of prosulfocarb in unamended and organically amended soils

WR2: Data-mining and methods for modeling and assessing state and fate of soil water

Oral presentation

TNV2018-WR2-425: Aristides Moustakas et al., 2018. Trees shifting from competition to facilitation due to apparent climatic change

TNV2018-WR2-426: Ioannis N. Daliakopoulos, 2018. Soil Moisture Variability as a Driver of Vegetation Dynamics in the Mediterranean Rangelands

TNV2018-WR2-428: Carlos Sánchez-García et al., 2018. Discharge estimations of historical floods in the Almanzora basin, southeastern Iberian Peninsula

TNV2018-WR2-429: Aristides Moustakas et al., 2018. Tall trees safeguard biodiversity under climatic changes: assessing the effect of tree size, soil moisture, and vegetation density on tree survival.

Poster presentation

TNV2018-WR2-239: Aristides Moustakas et al., 2018. Trees shifting from competition to facilitation due to apparent climatic change

TNV2018-WR2-240: Aristides Moustakas et al., 2018. Tall trees safeguard biodiversity under climatic changes: assessing the effect of tree size, soil moisture, and vegetation density on tree survival

TNV2018-WR2-269: Ioanna Petousi et al., 2018. DRIP: Development of an Advanced Precision Drip Irrigation System for Tree Crops

TNV2018-WR2-308: Manolis G. Grillakis et al., 2018. Unraveling the net effect of human induced climate change to the evolution of soil water resources

TNV2018-WR2-310: Dimitrios D. Alexakis et al., 2018. Estimating Soil Moisture Content with Means of Earth Observation and Artificial Neural Networks

LD2: Land Degradation and Remediation: The State of the Art

Oral presentation

TNV2018-LD2-339: Jesús Rodrigo-Comino et al., 2018. Updating field techniques to assess soil erosion in vineyards: ISUM (Improved Stock Unearthing Method)

TNV2018-LD2-340: Miguel Berdugo et al., 2018. The interplay between facilitation and habitat type drive spatial vegetation patterns in global drylands

TNV2018-LD2-341: Feng Tianjiao et al., 2018. Respective and Shared Contributions of Land Preparation and Vegetation to Soil Ecosystem Services in Longtan Catchment, China

TNV2018-LD2-342: Massimiliano Bordoni et al., 2018. Effects of different soil managements in vineyards to slope stability

TNV2018-LD2-343: David Zumr et al., 2018. Measuring the kinetic energy of rainfall and the soil particles splash

TNV2018-LD2-344: Rares HALBAC-COTOARA-ZAMFIR, 2018. Grey and green infrastructure used for flood retention in western Romania

TNV2018-LD2-348: Peña-Angulo, D, 2018. Analysis of the spatial variability of the relationships between rainfall, runoff, erosion and sediment yield and synoptic atmospheric patterns around the Mediterranean basin

TNV2018-LD2-349: Encarnación V. Taguas et al., 2018. Effects of different amounts of olive pruning residues on soil quality indicators in superintensive olive orchards

TNV2018-LD2-350: Selamawit Amare et al., 2018. Causes, controlling factors and rehabilitation challenges of valley bottom gullies: A review

TNV2018-LD2-351: Novara A et al., 2018. Is Cover Crops Contribution to Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Per Se Overestimated?

TNV2018-LD2-352: Omar Daraghmeh et al., 2018. Impact of tillage intensity on clay loam soil structure

Poster presentation

TNV2018-LD2-443: Eliana Cárdenas et al., 2018. Use of Phytoremediation and Biochar to Remediate the Rio Tinto Area (Spain)

TNV2018-LD2-444: Valeriia Nazarova et al., 2018. Patch Diversity and Spatial Pattern Modulate Sediment Yield in Restored Drylands

TNV2018-LD2-445: Saskia Keesstra et al., 2018. Beech (Fagus Sylvatica L.) Versus Pine (Pinus Sylvestris L.). The Impact of Plants on Soil Water Repellency and Infiltration in Temperate Forest. The Wageningen Forest Study Site.

TNV2018-LD2-446: Albert-Belda, E. et al., 2018. Hydrological Impact of Innovative Barriers Derived from Industrial Vegetal Residues for Control Hillslope Erosion: Commercial Erosion Control Barriers (CECBS)

TNV2018-LD2-447: Helba Araújo de Queiroz Palácio et al., 2018. Effects of Previous Soil Humidity on Sediment Production in a Semi-Arid Catchment - Brazil

TNV2018-LD2-448: Mario Kirchhoff et al., 2018. Wadi Dynamics in the Souss Region, South Morocco

TNV2018-LD2-449: V. Marín-Moreno et al., 2018. Terraces and Rainwater Harvesting Design Criteria: a Review Focused on Application to Sloping Orchards

TNV2018-LD2-450: Jesús Rodrigo-Comino et al., 2018. Finding Soil Quality Indicators by Principal Component Analysis at the Pedon Scale. A Study Case in one Semiarid Catchment of Northeast Iran

TNV2018-LD2-451: Petr Kavka et al., 2018. Experimental Evaluation of the Effect of the Protective Technical Measures Against Rill Erosion

TNV2018-LD2-452: Martin Neumann et al., 2018. Measuring Splash Erosion Initiated by Simulated Rainfall

TNV2018-LD2-453: Cerdà, A. et al., 2018. Straw Hidric Properties and Use as Mulch to Control Soil and Water Losses. A Large Rainfall Simulation Approach

TNV2018-LD2-454: Javier León et al., 2018. Testing Different Infiltration Devices in Vineyards

TNV2018-LD2-455: Javier León et al., 2018. Testing Infiltration Measurements Under Different Devices

TNV2018-LD2-456: Jadson Belém de Moura et al., 2018. Microbial biomass carbon of soils in sugarcane cultivation systems

LD3: Modelling erosion by water

Oral presentation

TNV2018-LD3-367: Dostál T. et al., 2018. Revision of currently used of values of Cover and Management factor C (USLE) using experimental methods

TNV2018-LD3-368: Maarten Wynants et al., 2018. Pinpointing areas of increased surface erosion following land cover changes using RUSLE modelling and sediment fingerprinting: a case study of the Lake Manyara basin, Tanzania

TNV2018-LD3-369: Richard Cruse et al., 2018. The Daily Erosion Project: Potential application in Europe

TNV2018-LD3-370: Brian J. Irvine et al., 2018. The Pan-European Soil Erosion Risk Assessment, the PESERA model.

Poster presentation

TNV2018-LD3-459: Manuel López-Vicente et al., 2018. Soil and Water Conservation in a Rainfed Vineyard: Effectiveness Of Common Sainfoin Cover Crop

LD5: Restoration and rehabilitation of degraded lands in arid and semi-arid ecosystems

Oral presentation

TNV2018-LD5-406: Irena D. Atanassova et al., 2018. Water repellency and heavy metal mobility and speciation in coal ash reclaimed hydrophobic technogenic soils (Technosols)

TNV2018-LD5-407: Stefan Leu et al., 2018. Local and global implications of ecosystem restoration in degraded arid farmland

TNV2018-LD5-408: Miriam Lana-Renault et al., 2018. Catchment hydrology and soil degradation following farmland abandonment A comparison between different land management scenarios

TNV2018-LD5-409: William H. Blake et al., 2018. Strengthening community resilience to soil erosion challenges in northern Tanzania: an interdisciplinary approach

TNV2018-LD5-410: Alice Nunes et al., 2018. Evaluating past reforestations success in semi-arid Mediterranean areas now and under a climate change scenario

Poster presentation

TNV2018-LD5-470: Sonia Vega et al., 2018. Restoring dryland vegetation patches: the role of diversity and patch size

TNV2018-LD5-471: Eunice Maia de Andrade et al., 2018. Using the litter in the revival of a degradated soil in seasonally tropical dry forest (SDTF)

TNV2018-LD5-472: Miquel Capó et al., 2018. Goats eradication as a previous tool needed for biodiversity restoration of Mediterranean islets.

NBS1: Nature-based solutions for environmental social and economic challenges

Oral presentation

TNV2018-NBS1-371: Cerdà, A. et al., 2018. Nature-based solutions to control soil erosion need farmer’s incentives and education to be applied

TNV2018-NBS1-372: Brian Irvine et al., 2018. Modelling and upscaling sustainable land management and water harvesting practices in arid and semi-arid environments

TNV2018-NBS1-373: Mayra E. Gavito et al., 2018. Plant cover management can fully protect soil from erosion in avocado orchards

TNV2018-NBS1-374: Guillermo Tardío et al., 2018. ECOMED Project, Ecoengineering and Soil and water Bioengineering in the Mediterranean area

TNV2018-NBS1-375: Sandra Boekhold et al., 2018. City deal on valuing green and water in cities: integration of the multiple benefits of nature-based solutions in urban planning

Poster presentation

TNV2018-NBS1-465: Rosemarie Stangl et al., 2018. Challenges and Advances in Urban Green Infrastructure and Nature Based Solutions: potentials of soil bioengineering techniques

TNV2018-NBS1-466: Manuel Seeger et al., 2018. Soil management under grapevines for reducing plague impact and soil erosion while enhancing sustainability

TNV2018-NBS1-467: Saskia Keesstra et al., 2018. The superior effect of nature based solutions in land management for enhancing ecosystem services

TNV2018-NBS1-468: Evan A.N. Marks et al., 2018. Poll-Ole-GI SUDOE project: the creation of floral islands to promote pollination in sunflower fields

TNV2018-NBS1-469: Alaitz Aldaz et al., 2018. Evaluation of subsurface drip irrigation mats manufactured with recyclable cellulose from meat industry

NBS2: Connectivity in hydrology and sediment dynamics: concepts measuring modelling indices and societal implications

Oral presentation

TNV2018-NBS2-380: Nadia Ursino, 2018. The interrelation between ecological and eco-hydrological connectivity indexes demonstrates the relevance of different processes and feedbacks across scales and disciplines.

TNV2018-NBS2-381: Stefano Crema et al., 2018. SedInConnect: a free tool for a usable sediment connectivity index

TNV2018-NBS2-382: Massimiliano Bordoni et al., 2018. Integrating sediment connectivity into the assessment of landslides susceptibility for road network

TNV2018-NBS2-383: Francisco Rodríguez et al., 2018. A null model for assessing the independent effects of plant cover and bare-soil connectivity on dryland functioning

TNV2018-NBS2-384: Carla S. S. Ferreira et al., 2018. Reducing peri-urban flood hazard using a holistic catchment approach to reduce hydrological connectivity

TNV2018-NBS2-385: Roel Dijksma et al., 2018. Woody debris jams to prevent stream bed erosion in a semi-natural brook system

Poster presentation

TNV2018-NBS2-457: Saskia Keesstra et al., 2018. A framework for using connectivity to measure and model water and sediment fluxes

TNV2018-NBS2-458: Jesús Rodrigo-Comino et al., 2018. Combining the Improved Stock Unearthing Method and Structure-from-Motion for connectivity assessment and soil erosion in sloping vineyards

TNV2018-NBS2-473: Virginia Ruiz-Villanueva et al., 2018. Sediment connectivity and fan formation processes in glacial and periglacial regions: the Ala Archa Valley in Tian Shan (Kyrgyzstan)

TNV2018-NBS2-474: Eunice Maia de Andrade et al., 2018. Dynamics of nutrients input output in a reservoir of the tropical semi-arid

TNV2018-NBS2-475: Merchán, D. et al., 2018. Suspended sediment and dissolved solids concentrations and loads in small agricultural watersheds in Navarre (Spain)

TNV2018-NBS2-476: Luciano Gristina et al., 2018. Contribution of Soil Tillage Translocation to Soil Erosion in Vineyard

TNV2018-NBS2-477: Ana-Patricia FERNÁNDEZ-GETINO et al., 2018. Catchment model approach for the assessment of the fate of pesticides in sediments and surface waters fluxes

NBS3: Drones Internet of Things and Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring

Oral presentation

TNV2018-NBS3-415: Jordi Salvador Bernadí et al., 2018. Multispectral UAV Imagery Automatic Registration

TNV2018-NBS3-416: Anna Brook et al., 2018. Irrigation optimization under limited water supply by integration modern approaches in traditional water management on the cotton fields

TNV2018-NBS3-417: PADRÓ, Joan-Cristian et al., 2018. Evaluation of Mine Restorations Using UAV Imagery

TNV2018-NBS3-418: M. Quemada et al., 2018. Coupling residue and water spectral indices to improve crop residue cover estimation from satellite images

TNV2018-NBS3-419:  Hastings Astley et al., 2018. Future Biomass Supply for Low Carbon European Energy Provision in a Changing World

TNV2018-NBS3-420: Katherine Franco et al., 2018. LIFE LASER FENCE: Laser systems for the prevention of food chain poisoning and minimization of chemical exposure to the environment

TNV2018-NBS3-421: Josef Krasa et al., 2018. Monitoring soil surface by close-range photogrammetry in multiple scales

Poster presentation

TNV2018-NBS3-392: Paolo Paron et al., 2018. Can drone footage be of help in hydrological analyses? A case from the Mara River Wetland in Tanzania.

TNV2018-NBS3-393: Keesstra, S.D. et al., 2018. The UARSF of Wageningen UR: applications and projects

TNV2018-NBS3-394: Manuel López-Vicente et al., 2018. Influence of DEM source LiDAR and photogrammetry and resolution on computing topographic parameters in contrasted croplands

TNV2018-NBS3-395: Antonio Minervino Amodio et al., 2018. A method for monitoring and measuring soil loss with a UAV (Unmanned aerial vehicle)

SP2: Sustainable Development Goals and Soil policy and practical implementation

Oral presentation

TNV2018-SP2-422: David A. Robinson et al., 2018. Natural Capital Accounting of Soils for the U.N. System of Environmental Economic Accounts

TNV2018-SP2-423: Ettore CAPRI et al., 2018. Can a glass of wine transpose in practice SDGs ?

TNV2018-SP2-424: Jan de Leeuw et al., 2018. Soil Information in the Indicator Framework for Sustainable Development Goal 15.3.1

Poster presentation

TNV2018-SP2-389: Keesstra, S.D. et al., 2018. Land Degradation Neutrality and Restoration, how can we achieve that?

SP3: Stakeholder demands and perspectives in sustainable development

Oral presentation

TNV2018-SP3-430: Hilde F. Passier, 2018. Knowledge Impulse for Dutch Delta Approach for Water Quality and Fresh Water

TNV2018-SP3-431: Maria Inês Adagói et al., 2018. Informal urban agriculture as a permanent and transitory land use for a landscape planning strategy

Poster presentation

TNV2018-SP3-387: Luciano Gristina et al., 2018. No till durum wheat yield success probability in Mediterranean climate: a methodological framework

TNV2018-SP3-388: Giménez-Morera, A. et al., 2018. Oat Straw Mulch to Control Soil Erosion in Agriculture Mediterranean Rainfed Agriculture Land. An Economic, Perception and Biophysical Approach

ECO1: Mapping for soil sustainable management

Oral presentation

TNV2018-ECO1-386: Paulo Pereira et al., 2018. Lithuanian National Ecosystem Services Assessment and Mapping (LINESAM)

TNV2018-ECO1-396: Mercedes Roman Dobarco et al., 2018. Digital soil mapping and uncertainty propagation of available water capacity for metropolitan France

TNV2018-ECO1-397: Selma Beatriz Pena et al., 2018. Contributing to healthy landscapes by sustainable land use planning. A vision for restoring the degraded landscape of the Centre Region of Portugal

TNV2018-ECO1-398: Maxim Shoshany, 2018. Hyper-spectral mapping of soil and vegetation conditions along semi-arid to arid climatic gradient

TNV2018-ECO1-399: Anna Brook et al., 2018. Remote Sensing Techniques to Assess Post-Fire Effects at the Hillslope and Sub-Basin Scales via Multi-Scale Model

TNV2018-ECO1-400: Vandoorne Bertrand et al., 2018. Mapping environmental variables for a sustainable management of soil using intercrops; an interdisciplinary student project as study case

Poster presentation

TNV2018-ECO1-460: Paloma Hueso-González et al., 2018. Mapping Green and Blue Infrastructures Using Digital Globe Images in Vilnius City

TNV2018-ECO1-461: Igor Bogunovic et al., 2018. Sampling Density and Soil Phosphorus Mapping on Various Field Scales. What This Means for Farmers?

TNV2018-ECO1-462: Jesús Rodrigo-Comino, J. et al., 2018. A Review of Soil Geography Origins

TNV2018-ECO1-463: Jesús Rodrigo-Comino, 2018. Soil erosion in vineyards over the world. A review

TNV2018-ECO1-464: Manuel López-Vicente et al., 2018. Mapping Physical and Chemical Parameters in a Complex Agricultural System: Implications for Soil Budgets at Field and Catchment Scales

ECO2: Grazing as a management tool to build cultural landscapes

Oral presentation

TNV2018-ECO2-401: Fernando T. Maestre, 2018. Evaluating the impacts of grazing and climate change on the structure and functioning of global drylands: the BIODESERT global survey

TNV2018-ECO2-402: Oriol Domenech et al., 2018. Feral goat in Balearic Islands: an ecological or social problem?

TNV2018-ECO2-403: Katherine Franco et al., 2018. LIFE REGENERATE: Revitalizing multifunctional Mediterranean agrosilvopastoral systems using dynamic and profitable operational practices

TNV2018-ECO2-404: Manuel Pulido et al., 2018. Grazing Systems in The World: Differences and Similarities

TNV2018-ECO2-405: Jan de Leeuw et al., 2018. A Deductive Remote Sensing Approach for The Assessment of Grassland Carrying Capacity with an Application in The Mountain Grasslands of Azerbaijan

Poster presentation

TNV2018-ECO2-437: Cristina Halbac-Cotoara-Zamfir, 2018. Formal vs. non-formal environmental education for climate change adaptation

TNV2018-ECO2-438: Gabriel Gascó et al., 2018. The use of design thinking based on climate change and carbon sequestration

TNV2018-ECO2-439: Javier Pareja et al., 2018. Firebreaks as a natural attraction for feral goats in fire prevention

TNV2018-ECO2-440: Jesús Barrena-González et al., 2018. Delineation of land units in livestock farms of SW Spain designed for management purposes

ECO3: A biophysical and socio-economic approach to the fate of the Terroir

Oral presentation

TNV2018-ECO3-376: Jesús Rodrigo-Comino et al., 2018. Ranking under-stock-weeding-machines for sloping vineyards by a bundle of measurement methods

TNV2018-ECO3-377: Jesús Rodrigo-Comino et al., 2018. Determining Soil Erosion Processes in Sloping Vineyards. A Comparison Between Ruwer-Mosel Valley (Trier, Germany) and Montes De Málaga (Málaga, Spain)

TNV2018-ECO3-378: Sebastia Capó-Bauçà et al., 2018. Non-tillage improves the quality of the soil in a vineyard under Mediterranean conditions.

TNV2018-ECO3-379: Marcella Biddoccu et al., 2018. Effects of soil management on runoff and erosion response to rainfall events of sloping vineyards in the Monferrato area (NW Italy)

Poster presentation

TNV2018-ECO3-478: Eric C. Brevik et al., 2018. Terroir and Human Health: Connecting People to Soil

TNV2018-ECO3-479: Igor Bogunovic et al., 2018. Tractor Impacts on Soil Compaction in a Vineyard Located in Croatia

TNV2018-ECO3-480: Cerdà, A. et al., 2018. Soil Erosion as Environmental Concern in Vineyards. The Case Study of Celler Del Roure, Eastern Spain, by Means of Rainfall Simulation Experiments

FIRE1: Fire effects on fluxes in the landscape

Oral presentation

TNV2018-FIRE1-345: Cristina Santín et al., 2018. Wildfires in Spain in 2017 The rural population, victims and perpetrators

TNV2018-FIRE1-346: Deborah A. Martin, 2018. Lessons learned: Perspectives on recent fire activity in the western North America through the lens of multi-decadal fire science research

TNV2018-FIRE1-347: António Bento-Gonçalves, 2018. Forest fires in Portugal in 2017 - Chronicle of an announced tragedy

Poster presentation

TNV2018-FIRE1-432: José Rafael Pérez Borredá, A. et al., 2018. The erosional and hydrological impact of traditional slash and burn “hormiguero” in the Macizo del Caroig, Eastern Spain

TNV2018-FIRE1-433: Simone Di Prima et al., 2018. Comparing transient and steady-state analysis of single-ring infiltrometer data for an abandoned field affected by fire in Eastern Spain

FIRE2: Wildfires in urban areas

Oral presentation

TNV2018-FIRE2-363: Lara Vilar et al., 2018. Land Use-Land Cover interfaces to model wildfire occurrence in Europe. Global and regional data sources for modelling

TNV2018-FIRE2-364: António Vieira et al., 2018. Evaluation of erosion risks in burned areas and identification of emergency intervention measures experimental area in 2017 Braga fire affected areas

TNV2018-FIRE2-365: Ricardo MF da Costa et al., 2018. Valorization of Vegetable Biomass Could it Be a Tool for Prevention of Severe Wildfires?

TNV2018-FIRE2-366: J. Campo et al., 2018. Nutrient Fluxes at Hill-Slope Scale in a Burned Mediterranean Area.

FIRE3: Effects of pre- and post-fire management on vegetation recovery

Poster presentation

TNV2018-FIRE3-434: Khorchani, M. et al., 2018. Shrub clearings and extensive livestock: an action of the administration to control the fires in the Mediterranean mountain

CC3: Impacts of climate change on soils in drylands: recent advances and challenges ahead

Oral presentation

TNV2018-CC3-358: Cesar Plaza et al., 2018. Physical and chemical properties of soils and carbon pools in global drylands

TNV2018-CC3-359: Fernando T. Maestre, 2018. Biotic controls of soil functioning in global drylands under climate change

TNV2018-CC3-360: F. Bastida et al., 2018. The impacts of drought and its adaptations in a semiarid forest ecosystem: a look into the total and active soil microbial communities

TNV2018-CC3-361: José Luis Moreno et al., 2018. Land use legacy shapes the responses of soil microbial community against drought in a Mediterranean agroecosystem

TNV2018-CC3-362: Alice Nunes et al., 2018. Predicting climate change effects on Mediterranean drylands through plant functional traits

Poster presentation

TNV2018-CC3-435: Iria Benavente et al., 2018. Influence of urban waste biochar on Typic Xerofluvent biochemical properties

TNV2018-CC3-436: CARABASSA, Vicenç et al., 2018. Life the Green Link: Restoring Degraded Areas with the Cocoon Ecotechnology

TNV2018-CC3-441: Iria Benavente et al., 2018. Barley crop as affected by warming and altered drought-precipitation events in semiarid agricultural soils amended with biochar

TNV2018-CC3-442: Felipe Bastida et al., 2018. Is the Microbial Community of Restored Semiarid Soils Able to Confront Drought?

SP4: Education in Environmental Science

Poster presentation

TNV2018-SP4-355: Roel Dijksma et al., 2018. Education in Environmental sciences

TNV2018-SP4-356: Eric C. Brevik, 2018. Degrees Received by Undergraduate Soil Science Students in the United States

TNV2018-SP4-357: Eric C. Brevik, 2018. Online Homework and Student Grades: Impact in an Introduction to Physical Geology Class