Pre-and Post Excursions

If you want to see a little more of the Valencian landscape, culture, history and gastronomy, and discuss how Nature-Based-Solutions could play a role in the sustainability of the land, then the pre- and post-conference tours are a good option for you.


The preliminary program of the Pre-conference:

6th  July 2024. The wetlands of the Mediterranean. Visit to the “Prat de Cabanes-Torreblanca”.

7:00 Departure from Valencia. Faculty of Geography and History. Blasco Ibáñez 28, 46010 Valencia.

8:00. Introduction to the urban and rural planning in the Mediterranean Coast.

9:00. Visit to the urban area of Orpesa. The development of the “Marina d’Or”. The urban areas in the Mediterranean coast as a environmental problema and economic resource.

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Visit to the Prat de Cabanes-Torreblanca natural reserve. The formation of the lagoon. The Management of natural reserve in the Mediterranean coast.

14:00 Lunch.

16:00. Visit the Peniscola city. Tourism as a resource and a threat. Wetlands in the Mediterranean.

20:00. Dinner.

22:00. The geomorphology of the Peniscola tombolo.

7th  July 2024. The islands of the Mediterranean. Planning, management and fate of the islands

7:00 Departure from Hotel.

8:00. Boat trip. Marine biology of the Mediterranean.

10:30. Coffee break

12:00. Visit to the Illa Grossa in Les Illes Columbretes.

14:00 Lunch.

16:00. Boat trip to Peniscola. The fate of the small islands in the Mediterranean. A unique reserve for humankind.

20:00. Bus return to Valencia.

22:00. Arrival to Valencia.



8-11 July  2024. TerraEnVision conference

Venue: University of Valencia Facultad de Geografía i Història Blasco Ibàñez, 28, 46010-Valencia, Spain


Preliminary program of the post-conference tour

12th  July  2024. Management of Mediterranean rainfed and drip irrigation land

8:00. Departure from the Faculty of Geography and History. Blasco Ibánez 28, Valencia.

9:30. Visit to the drip irrigation land in the Montesa valley. The citrus production.

14:00. Lunch at the vineyards of Les Alcusses Valley

16:00. Visit to the vineyards and wineries.

20:00. Return to Valencia

13th  July  2024. Management of Mediterranean rainfed and drip irrigation land

8:00. Departure from the Faculty of Geography and History. Blasco Ibánez 28, Valencia.

9:30. Visit to the drip irrigation land in the Vall d’Ebo fire affected land.

14:00. Lunch at the Vall d’Ebo.

16:00. Visit to the coastal land. The impact of changes in the coastal land. Tavernes de la Valldigna

20:00. Return to Valencia.